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quarta-feira, 27 de abril de 2011

Novidade na Scrap- Team

Bom a Scrapteam é uma loja brasileira, e até muita gente me pergunta em lojas que estão escritas em portugues, a scrapteam tem! É só vc clicar na bandeirinha do Brasil que tudo se modifica, a loja fica em português e o pagamento passa a ser em real.
Bom e a Fa Maura colocou como opções de pagamento:

Depósito Bancario
E o Moip (Boleto bancario) - Somente para as brasileiras
Estes são os bancos que são aceitos, aproveitem e façam suas compras!!!
Ta rolando um montão de promoção!!!


You should be aware that the laws of Brazil and moved to a fee.
Well the beginning of this month Brazilian, can not transfer money to another unless the Brazilian real. So the use of paypall was very hard because we all have in paypall dollar, and to help further the dollar can not be turned into real on the site.
So for us was very limited forms of payment between us.
Good to Scrapter is a Brazilian store, and even a lot of people ask me in stores that are written in Portuguese, the Scrapter have! Just you click on the flag of Brazil that everything changes, the shop is in Portuguese and in payment becomes real.
Good and Fa Maura placed as payment options:

Deposit Banking
And MoIP (Billet banking) - only for the Brazilian

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