Olá meninas, ontem sai o dia todo, mas tive que ficar um pouquinho no computador para lançar as coisinhas novas...
Ontem fui na feira de scrap que aconteceu aqui em São Paulo!!!Muito boa, encontrei uma amiga interneta, e nem sabia que ela morava pertinho!!!Muito bom isso, fora que a feira abre a cabeça da gente, to cheinha de idéias novas!!!Vamos ver o que sai....
Mas agora vou divulgar os produtos que lançei ontem, vejam o que:
Hello girls, out all day yesterday, but had to stay a little on the computer to launch the new little things ...
Yesterday was fair comment on what happened here in São Paulo! Very good, I met a friend online, and not even know she lived close! Very good this, the fair was open to our head, to the plump new ideas! Let's see what comes out ....
But now I will disclose that the products launched yesterday, to see what:
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